Thursday, March 28, 2013

SEO Author Rank Is It All That


SEO Author Rank Is It All That?

You bet it is without Authorship your blog posts will not be ranked as high as those with Author markup.

Why is it so well it's simple Google wants a few  things:

  1. Google wants verified Authors. ( Because it helps them know who you are and if they can trust what you write is going to be relevant base on you track record. )
  2. Google wants people to use Authorship. ( Because they can provide better search request to people.)
  3. Google still uses keywords. But using them just to use them is not going  to help you putting them in to  tell your story they do want, And that's never going to hurt you. keyword stuffing on the other will.
  4. I blogged this before and say it again now Author Rank is in force right NOW.! Everything you write  tied to your name will count in your ranking so if your title is ( SEO ) and you write about your trip to the UK your not going to have much author rank. So write to your title for sure.
  5. Google is Huge when it come to search engines and they very much plan to keep it that way what they are doing now is fine turning it.  To better serve the people doing searches, making sure that when you look for something that your going to find that right there on the first page because that is what going to make those people come back to Google for there next search.
  6.  Google has said that they have leveled the playing field so to speak. What does this mean to you well I feel that this means even if you have only been posting for a short while that you too can get a good ranking maybe better then someone that has been post with authorship for a couple of years.! So your thinking how well this is simple, Seen this a lot people posting titles to tricking people to come take a look that's going to hurt them bad when Google gives people their rankings. I don't think that panda going to get the joke that they put out there thinking that it is funny panda going to have the last laugh.
  7. Use Caution in what Community you post your stuff in seen this a few times with one authorship community them deleting you posts seems like a couple thing are going on one they don't like people responding well to story that there moderator did not write then a few hour later or the next day a post about your story just written up a little differently.
  8. In closing Author Rank is ALIVE RIGHT NOW think Google is just building it's ranking and testing with a few to fine tune it they should  have a good base to work with as I POSTED in one of those deleted posts Google will announce by the end of April that Author Rank is active and that it is using data collected from the past post that had verified authorship attached to it. Now with that said I have no inside info on this just a gut feeling they say your suppose to go with you gut feelings so there you have it. 
  9. P.S.   all my post go public first then shared with trusted community like
SEO & Authorship, Author Markup & Ranking Nutshell

by Matt Lambert    ( always add a byline too) 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

G+ Use caution when you +1's someone post

G+  Use caution when you +1's someone post 

First what to thank everyone for giving me a Plus one on my Posts

I some people that give me a +1 for my blog or comments then give me one again Hey I've done it too but use caution the one that have done this I know that there not doing it on purpose because I have got to know them pretty good there seeing my post the next day and are trying to show there appreciation but for the ones that don't know when you 

+1 a post or comment that you have +1 before the second time you that the +1 back so a quick note to all if you want to take it back that how you do it. what I do is watch the number to make sure it goes up and if it does not go up but takes -1 away I click it again to put it back and try to remember next time I see it,
So just remember when you plus one someone post or comment to watch the number and make sure you +1-ing  it and not -1-ing it. try in with this post give me a +1 then click it again and watch the number  go back down 
p.s. remember to clickit again and give it back to me.         lol

by Matt Lambert 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Print what you see on your screen

Print what you see on your screen 

Ever wonder how to save something you see right click does not  let you there still a way this will only work for what you see so if there more that you want but you need to scroll down to see it you will have to go back and do this over again this will save everything that you see on your screen from the very top to bottom and from the left to the right so if there just a picture that you want you can crop just that after you open it OK here how to do it

#1 First open Paint it has to be open in the back ground

#2 Go to the thing you want to copy or print (it's what your looking at that this in going to save PRESS THE fn button normally right next to the CTRL or WINDOWS button hold it down now press the prt sc button both these button normally have the fn - prt sc inside a Box on you keyboard you done that.

#3 Now open paint back up that's in the background (remember paint has to be opened first in the back ground)  right click the screen and click paste or click the  edit button  and then click paste Thats it now click the crop button    see figure 1 below

figure 1
and put it around the part you what to save or print right click inside what you just cropped and click copy 
then click file click new it will pop up a box asking in you want to save click the save button will save your whole picture that you created with the print screen button you can click don't save as long as there nothing else that you want from the picture other wise save it. NOW when the new blank opens click paste TIP the blank white box that opens need to be smaller then the cropped picture that your pasting in I normally make it very small (LIKE ABOVE) that way you picture will not have white around it not to worry it wont be that small paint resizes it up to the size  you cropped. It does not resize it down to you picture that why I say make it small first about 1 inch by 1 inch just put your mouse in the bottom right corner and drag it up and to the left OK click that paste botton  and save it 

Google search has wrong Info

Matt Cutts tells how to get it fixed

This was in response to a story by: Amy Wilentz

She still alive Fixed  by wikipedia
This page was last modified on 22 March 2013 at 18:04.

So the fastest way to fix a problem with a searched item and take it from panda seems to be the link at the bottom of the page titled : send feedback 

So when you want to get a human involved seed feedback

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Google Page Rank How It All Works

Google Page Rank How It All Works

Ever wonder the Process that Google uses the Rank your Page

 Wonder No More Just follow this link 

Page Rank In a Nut Shell
Google Page Rank How It All Works

P.S. looking for a good community to join about 
Look no more just follow the link open to all 

Be sure to notice the counter at the bottom of the page on Google's inside Search page
By the way, in the 732 seconds you've been on this page, approximately
28,240,560 searches were performed.

What's my Password Forgot My Password

What's my Password Forgot My Password

This is a little off topic for SEO but thought that it would be helpful info so here it is. This info is provided for those with chrome browser & Google plus account if you have one go create it and write down your password LOL  if you don't have chrome go download it  at then have it import everything let it if you need to import from other browser that you use after loads open the browser and click the customize and control button 

then the  bookmark-import and bookmark button 

OK now to get to your passwords click on the customize button go down to the setting button first go to the sign in advanced sync setting and  

and sync everything
OK you still with me to your passwords now from your customize button / setting/ scroll to the bottom of setting and click the show advance settings  click it  
then scroll to password and forms and click manage saved passwords
It will open all your saved passwords for everything you have saved on your computer click to the right of the password and click show password
And there you have it all you password 
Want to print it well that is going to be one of the next helpful blog that I post a how to save and print anything you see on your screen !!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Google Search Engine Updates In Full Effect

Page Rank Has Changed, Google search engine update in full Effect. !!!

Feel like Chicken Little crying the sky is falling; one thing is for sure the sky is still up there,
But is your posts still on page one of Google or on page ten. Is your post still number one on page one or number three four or five or at the bottom.
For some something wonderful has happened for other the Sky has just fallen. !!!
Really things are not where they were stuff that was on page one not there at all, thing that were on page 5 or 6 now on page 1 or 2.

This newest update on Google has really moved stuff around so much so, that everyone is going to notice that they are not where they use to be.
Now I just wonder how often stuffs going to move think this is a different Google Keeping it fresh and when someone comes along with new better information their going to step into that number one spot until better info is posted than they are out  too.
I find this very exciting seem like Google has leveled the playing field so to Speak.
More to come!

A quick note about Authorship see link below
Option #1

Verify you have an email address (such as on the same domain as your content. (Don't have an email address on the same domain

Option #2
Use this method to link your content to your Google+ profile

Have a great day
By Matt lambert

SEO & Authorship, Author Markup & Ranking In A Nutshell

P.S. Join my new Community

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Authorship, Author Markup & Author Ranking in a Nut Shell

Authorship, Author Markup  & Author Ranking in a Nut Shell


This is assuming that you have a google Account Already if not go do that first: 
Authorship markup in a nut shell
Go to:

Click on the edit your profile under your picture
What’s added to your markup depends on what you make public in here under:
-Story- Tag Line & Introduction
-Work - Occupation
-Places - Currently
-Links - Links

Now to see what it all is going to look like go to:

Authorship markup in a nut shell
that’s authorship markup made simply
Now Author ship
add this  to you website landing  page just put your google account number where it says : yourGOOGLE#HERE
<link rel="author"href=""/>

Link it to you google account in the contributor to section at
Click on the edit your profile under your picture
Goto the contributor to section under links :
 click edit and then add custom link:


And last but not Least what is Author Ranking Well no one Know really what this going to be totally even the experts can not seem to agree but this author hopes that it has nothing to do with writing skills and proper sentence structure because can not do that with a re-writer but my thoughts are just that this is what I believe in part it will be   Rank will be based on many factors some of which I believe would be: How many comments on your post, shares, +1’s, keyword, content, “And this is where I’m really screwed” proper sentences, spelling.

Google  want to give to searcher what there looking for #1 so if your looking for authorship markup there going to give you what they think is most relevant  info posted  by a author like this posting that this you where and step by step how to do  it a where to do it have yet to see any post with this clear understanding of where and how to do author markup seem everyone give you a little bit of info here and there and if you look at enough stuff you just might figure it all out hope this post help everyone that has just  not got it yet.
Happy Authorship & Authorship markup
Sincerely Yours
Matt Lambert

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Author Ranking What Authors Don't Want You To Know

Authors Want You To Believe Ranking Not In Place

It's funny because it hit why does all the authors and so called SEO experts want everyone to believe Author Ranking in not in place. Well if I am right that when Google Says author ranking in up and working and that all stories posted prior to that announcement with a Rel="author" or Rel="publisher" tag are going to be included   in the ranking that those authors/experts think by saying it's not in place that people will not start building authorship thus paving the way for the authors writing every day to start out with a better ranking because they have more material out there to be ranked.

This is why I say author ranking is in place it's all going to count towards your ranking so if your  blogging or posting article’s  now and again because you don't think it really matters one way or another towards your ranking.

I'm here to say get blogging or posting it is sad to trust these experts when all along they are knowing full well that it all matter and there holding back just to get a leg up on the little guy because with a level playing field   as Google says it going to be these guys may not be on top like they want to be. there is one person out there that been saying for a while now that author ranking is in place +Al Remetch and all the so called experts have been being very forceful saying that  its not true that is not in place and saying he the boy who cried wolf, So much so that I stated to believe that maybe it was not in place too. So would like to say sorry to Al here for waffling on believing him or the experts Al is awesome Author with original material and posting every day he will be ranked as a top author I'm sure, He is already trusted by Google with his stories posting on Google instantly this is not author ranking having instant post but shear trust.

So get posting today and start building you Author Ranking

As all you can tell I need a great Author al to rewrite my blogs because I have thoughts just don't put them down on paper well you all have a great day 
by Matt Lambert

Friday, March 15, 2013

Building Author Rank Make A Name For Your Self

Authorship & Author Rank Full Speed Ahead Well First off I'm no author don’t spell very well (I love spell check) and proper English well you will see LOL While Google authorship has been around for a while now the effect are starting to be seen full force on Google search with the author picture showing up next the search results on Google this is great for author big and small it makes the story stand out on a page full of text. Author ranking now it’s a hot topic in a lot of circles and communities on Google Plus Well this blogger think yes it is in place so to speak and when Google tell everyone next month that author ranking is in place and working we should then also find out that past story will also be a part of your rank that is say all stories that have been published with your rel=author tag will be included in that ranking and this is why, it is my belief that author ranking has already started. While Google may have not yet assigned ranking to any one yet when they do announce it, everyone cannot have the same rank because the search engine would not be able to know what to show the user. This is why Google is pushing for everyone to put authorship markup on their web site and tie it to their Google PLUS account, they are building there author rank data base if you will. Rank will be based on many factors some of which I believe would be: How many comments on your post, shares, +1’s, keyword, content, “And this is where I’m really screwed” proper sentences, spelling. And many more factors. As someone point out to me not long ago and I quote “it looks like a computer spit out random words” Have had that problem for ever I think much faster than I can type so putting my thoughts on paper is not easy for me my Google rank will be a minus something but that’s ok. Bottom line is Author Ranking is LIVE, ACTIVE, WORKING, TODAY at least will count towards your rank. So if you see this please comment and give me a +1 if not for no other reason pity LOL hey Dr.Seuss’s never had proper sentences he could not spell and he has sold more book probably than any author out there.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I do love Google making the web faster who else is using google page speed to load there web site faster ALSO if you want me to add your link on SEO send me the link at