Saturday, March 16, 2013

Author Ranking What Authors Don't Want You To Know

Authors Want You To Believe Ranking Not In Place

It's funny because it hit why does all the authors and so called SEO experts want everyone to believe Author Ranking in not in place. Well if I am right that when Google Says author ranking in up and working and that all stories posted prior to that announcement with a Rel="author" or Rel="publisher" tag are going to be included   in the ranking that those authors/experts think by saying it's not in place that people will not start building authorship thus paving the way for the authors writing every day to start out with a better ranking because they have more material out there to be ranked.

This is why I say author ranking is in place it's all going to count towards your ranking so if your  blogging or posting article’s  now and again because you don't think it really matters one way or another towards your ranking.

I'm here to say get blogging or posting it is sad to trust these experts when all along they are knowing full well that it all matter and there holding back just to get a leg up on the little guy because with a level playing field   as Google says it going to be these guys may not be on top like they want to be. there is one person out there that been saying for a while now that author ranking is in place +Al Remetch and all the so called experts have been being very forceful saying that  its not true that is not in place and saying he the boy who cried wolf, So much so that I stated to believe that maybe it was not in place too. So would like to say sorry to Al here for waffling on believing him or the experts Al is awesome Author with original material and posting every day he will be ranked as a top author I'm sure, He is already trusted by Google with his stories posting on Google instantly this is not author ranking having instant post but shear trust.

So get posting today and start building you Author Ranking

As all you can tell I need a great Author al to rewrite my blogs because I have thoughts just don't put them down on paper well you all have a great day 
by Matt Lambert

1 comment:

  1. have to add this link I found spells this out By awesome Author +Mike Arnesen
