author ranking revealed or not revealed more ? than answers

much to do about nothing or real stuff you decide
Quote from Google
Why does Google care about meta descriptions?
We want snippets to accurately represent the web result. We frequently prefer to display meta descriptions of pages (when available) because it gives users a clear idea of the URL's content. This directs them to good results faster and reduces the click-and-backtrack behavior that frustrates visitors and inflates web traffic metrics. Keep in mind that meta descriptions comprised of long strings of keywords don't achieve this goal and are less likely to be displayed in place of a regular, non-meta description, snippet. And it's worth noting that while accurate meta descriptions can improve clickthrough, they won't affect your ranking within search results."

I just wonder if this can make the differences between post getting instant post on google search results for some and not other that are more worth while people to be getting the instant results just a thought but there seems to be some thing about stuff that a blogger can put in there html to black hat if you will the search results  with this being said would like to know if there anyone out there that can tell me is there a way to go look at blogger source code code for there main page like there is for a web page to see what's different with there code that are getting instant post verse someone that's not ? 

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